Privacy policy EN

Register name privacy statement

According to the General Data Protection Regulation, the personal data controller of a register is obligated to inform the register's data subjects in a clear manner. This statement fulfils this informing obligation.

1. Personal data controller

Company name

Gold LuxusDiamonds

Contact information:
Address Tyrskykatu 2
Postal code, town 53920, Lappeenranta

Contact information in matters related to personal data files

Name of the company/person: Goldluxusdiamond
Address Tyrskykatu 2
Postal code, town 53920, Lappeenranta
Phone number: 0449850069

If necessary, contact information of the data protection officer:

Data protection officer

Name of the company/person: Goldluxusdiamond
Address: Tyrskykatu 2
Postal code, town: 53920, Lappeenranta
Phone number: 0449850069

2. Data subjects

Customers who shopped and bought in the online store

3. Purpose of use of personal data

Grounds for keeping the register:

  • Personal data is being processed based on an existing customer relationship
  • Personal data is being processed based on consent (e.g. a list of potential customers collected at a fair, and the form has included giving consent for marketing)

Purpose for the register and the processing of personal data

Personal data is only being processed for predetermined purposes, which are:

  • for example customer relationship management
  • for example informing about services

4. Personal data recorded in the register

The customer register contains the following information:

Contact information

  • Name
  • Address
  • E-mail
  • Phone number

Customer information

  • Information on products/services bought

5. The data subject's rights

The data subject has the following rights, and requests for their use should be sent to:

Right to access data

The data subject may check the data we have recorded.

Right to rectification

The data subject may request the rectification of inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

Right to object

The data subject may object to the processing of personal data if the data subject feels that personal data has been processed unlawfully.

Right to forbid direct marketing

The data subject has the right to forbid the use of personal data for direct marketing.

Right to deletion

The data subject has the right to request the deletion of data if personal data processing is not necessary. We will handle the request for deletion and proceed to either delete the data or state a justified reason for not being able to delete the data.

It should be noted that the controller may have legal or other rights to not delete the requested data. The controller is obligated to preserve accounting materials for the duration (10 years) set out in the Accounting Act (Chapter 2, Section 10). For this reason, materials related to accounting cannot be deleted before that term has expired.

Withdrawing consent

If the processing of personal data is only based on the data subject's consent and not for instance on a customer relationship or membership, the data subject may withdraw consent.

The data subject may complain of the decision to the Data Protection Supervisor

The data subject has the right to demand us to restrict the processing of controversial data until the matter is solved.

Right to complain

The data subject has the right to complain to the Data Protection Supervisor if the data subject feels that we are violating the effective data protection regulation when processing personal data.

Contact information of the data protection supervisor:

6. Regular information sources

The information provided should include the nature of the information sources (e.g. whether it is a publicly or privately maintained information source, the type of the organisation/field/sector and information on where the data is originating from (e.g. EU or non-EU). The specific source of information should normally be provided unless it is impossible.

Customer information is regularly obtained from: (write how you are collecting customer information)

  • e.g. from the customer as the customer relationship is born
  • e.g. from the customer through an online form

7. Regular disclosure of data

The data is not generally disclosed for marketing purposes outside of  Goldluxusdiamonds

8. Duration of processing

Personal data is usually processed for as long as the customer relationship exists.

9. Personal data processors

Write down who are processing the data,  the employees of Goldluxusdiamonds who are processing the customer register.

10. Transferring data outside the EU

If data is not being transferred outside the EU:

Personal data is not transferred outside the EU or the EEA.

11. Automatic decision-making and profiling

If you are not using the data for automatic decision-making or profiling, write it down like this, for example:

We are not using the data for automatic decision-making or profiling.

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